QuarkNet Projects 2012
This year's students worked on a total of seven projects. The following links lead to pages that include a brief summary of their work. These pages also include any files that were a part of the project, such as code, pictures, documentation, etc.
Dark Matter in the Solar Neighborhood
Adam (Saint Charles East High School)
Measuring Ground Motion with Seismometers
Akshay (Metea Valley High School)
Calibrating Equipment for the Direct Detection of Dark Matter using Noble Element Scintillation
Kit (Illinois Math and Science Academy) and Sohaila (Waubonsie Valley High School)
Katie (Wheaton Warrenville South High School)
Using Finesse for Simulations of Light Behavior in Optical Cavities
Nicholas (Naperville Central High School)
Visualization of the Electron Cloud in the Main Injector
Saksham (Waubonsie Valley High School)
Massively Parallel Processing Pattern Recognition in Extra Dimensions
Tom (Warren Township High School)