Overview of Stellar Spectra | Finding Spectra | Plotting and Measuring Spectra | Classifying Spectra | Links
These links were used as the source of text for this website.
A introduction to Stellar Classification
A introduction to Sql
The final draft of our findings
An introduction to Hydrogen
Final presentation given by the group
A simple template with cells for amplitude, continuum and full width at half maximum
A sophisticated template that can plot a synthetic Gaussian curve along with spectral data, and compute the equivalent width>presentation given by the group
A sophisticated template that can plot two synthetic Gaussian curves along with spectral data, and compute the equivalent width
A sophisticated template that can plot three synthetic Gaussian curves along with spectral data, and compute the equivalent width
A fully-featured spreadsheet program that can read/write many kinds of spreadsheet files. It is available for Linux, and Windows (linked)