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How Accelerators Work

Fermilab's Beams Division general information page. CERN has information and photos about linear and circular accelerators.

Event Collider. Simulation of particles in detectors. You change energy and magnetic field. Events reflect actual percentages of type.

Fermilab Tour. It has some photos of the accelerators.

Particle Accelerator. Flip batteries to accelerate a charged particle in a simple demo.

Particle Adventure is an interactive tutorial on particles, accelerators, detectors, etc.

Particle Data Book gives the specifications for accelerators.

Searching for the Building Blocks of Matter. The section on "Top: Accelerators" discusses accelerator fundamentals, antiprotons and superconducting magnets.

SLAC's Virtual Visitor Center describes how some accelerators work.

Accelerators and Magnets

Charged particle. Shows the motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. By Fu-Kwun Hwang.

Fun@learning.physics. Free sample applets: charged particles in electric and magnetic fields.

Use OnScreen Particle Physics software to experiment with particles and magnetic fields. Information about it is available at

General References

Links to many particle physics sites.

Acronyms of High-Energy Physics from Fermilab.

Particle Detector BriefBook. Encyclopedic form of all words associated with particle physics. Also published as book.