Stories of QuarkNet Teachers and Students




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Left to Right: Teacher Gillian Winters, Mr. 1, teacher Rich Gearns, Megan Russ, teacher Mr. 2, Glen Meyerowitz, Mr. 3, Akshay Gupta, and John Dodado. Mentor Helio Takai is hiding behind the camera.

PJ Party students from Brookhaven Lab give a thumbs up to physics


The Pajama Party at Fermilab in September 2008 attracted QuarkNet students and teachers from near and far, including this contingent from the Brookhaven/Stony Brook Center. The students were motivated and capable and were inspired to go on to great things.

Since the PJ Party, in which students celebrated the first circulating beams in the LHC along with the world particle physics community, most students have moved on to university. John Dodado has been accepted to Columbia University as a physics major, and Glen Meyerowitz has just completed his first year at Yale in theoretical astrophysics.

Megan Russ, left, is a research assistant and physics major at SUNY Geneseo. She is currently participating in an experiment together with University of Rochester (where the picture was taken) using the small accelerator at Geneseo. Megan just finished their freshman year.

Brookhaven/Stony Brook/Columbia Center