Does Ohm's Law Apply to a Semiconductor?


Online Resources - Investigation - Assessment
Look at some of the test results and try to determine the following: Find the data you need in the graph below:

Explanation of the data: The number of incident neutrons on this detector varies, in approximately equal increments, from 0 at 13:49 on 8/10/99 to 13.9 x 1014 neutrons at the conclusion of the data run at 14:23 on 8/11/99. Thus the neutron bombardment for each run is given in the table below.

Date Time Neutrons Incident
8/10/99 13:49 0
8/10/99 20:25 3.5 x 1014
8/11/99 2:17 7.0 x 1014
8/11/99 8:20 10.4 x 1014
8/11/99 14:23 13.9 x 1014