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Discovering New Physics - Fermilab: where physicists unravel the mysteries of the universe
Electromagnetic Simulation: Charged Particle Motion in E/M Field (by Fu-Kwun Hwang, National Taiwan Normal University) Fermilabyrinth - Online versions of exhibits at the Lederman Science Center Fermilab Virtual Tour - Photos of accelerators and detectors with figure captions International Particle Physics Outreach Group (from CERN) Fermilab Homepage - Links to general information, experiments and projects (Fermilab at Work), particle physics (inquiring minds), resources for students (education) and more High-Energy Physics Acronyms - (from Fermilab)
Particle Physics - a list of links from the American Physical Society) The Particle Adventure - A simple, thorough explanation of the world of particle physics. If you haven't yet gone through this Website, get to it! Particle Detector BriefBook - Encyclopedic form of words associated with particle physics; also published as a book Searching for the Building Blocks of Matter - Overview of how the work of experimental particle physicists put the Standard Model together, piece by piece (from Fermilab) Smallest Particles, Biggest Machine - Series of slides for students (from Royal Holloway University of London)
About the LHC - introduction to the LHC on the US/LHC website Anatomy of the LHC - information on the LHC and its detectors from US/LHC for Teachers and Students CERN in 3 Minutes - an introduction to CERN How an accelerator works - a CERN site providing background on accelerators Large Hadron Rap - Rappin' about CERN's Large Hadron Collider LHC Game - a game from Microcosm at CERN to learn about the LHC LHC Live - the status of the LHC Particle Accelerator - Simple demo to accelerate a charged particle by flipping batteries
SLAC's Virtual Visitor Center - Accelerator - Description of how some accelerators and detectors work Tevatron - Fermilab's collider until September 2011 What is the ILC - International Linear Collider, a proposed collider and Gateway to the Quantum Universe Also, check out resources in general information.
Anatomy of a Detector - Virtual reality tool shows different parts of the CDF detector and how they are used to display the debris from a collision. (Joe Boudreau, a physicist in the CDF collaboration) ATLAS Boogie - The "Canettes Blues Band" performs an original piece about the ATLAS experiment ATLAS and CMS Experiment Education Pages - Artists' sketches; movie, photos, descriptions of how different particles are detected and more; read CMS brochures. ATLAS Masterclass - Participate in the analysis of events from the ATLAS detector at the LHC BaBar Particle Physics Teaching Package - A tutorial on relativity and particles with events to analyze Bubble Chamber - An interactive tutorial to identify particles in old bubble chamber photos Cloud Chamber Photograph - Track of positron, first evidence of antimatter (from LBNL Image Library) and How to Build a Cloud Chamber - Directions CMS Masterclass - Participate in the analysis of events from the CMS detector at the LHC
Fermilab Detectors: CDF Public Page - DZero Public Page History of Detectors - the link downloads a powerpoint presented by Dave Nygren of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Nygren spoke at the 2012 EDIT conference at Fermilab. LHC Decoded - good diagrams showing the LHC detectors and the event displays associated with them. Use OnScreen Particle Physics software to experiment with particles. Watch the trajectories change when you adjust the magnetic field. Photomultiplier Tube Tutorial - Goes through the multiplication effect in PMTs (based on work by a QuarkNet teacher) For Teachers - For Students Transverse Slice of the CMS Detector - activity showing how various particles interact with the detector Also, check out resources in general information.
Einstein on E = mc2 - Einstein explains the equivalence of rnergy and matter Energy-Momentum Formula - A form of the relationship between E, P and M (though not exactly the way a particle physicist would normally write it) as well as general arguments (from Physics 252 by Michael Fowler, University of Virginia) Mass and Energy - The relationship between mass and energy from relativity and with some of the mathematics (from Physics 252 by Michael Fowler, University of Virginia) Pennies! - Graphs Reveal the Structure of Matter - An application of mass reconstruction to everyday items (by Frank Lipinski, Fermilab Fellowship and QuarkNet Teacher) Also, check out resources in general information.
ATLAS Live Event Display - snapshot of a collision directly from the ATLAS detector Belle Event Display - snapshot of an e- e+ collision recorded in the Belle detector in Japan CMS Live Event Display - snapshot of a proton collision recorded in the CMS detector CMS 3-D Display - events from the CMS Detector for students to manipulate
Identifying Interesting Particle Physics Events at LEP - Tutorial and challenge on each type of event; can do statistics of ratios of types of events on 1000 events (OPAL events by Terry Wyatt, CERN) MINOS Live Event Display - snapshot of a neutrino recorded in the MINOS far detector at Soudan, Minnesota Also, check out resources in general information.
ATLAS di-jet event animation - An event with two jets produced. Animation was created from data from an actual ATLAS collision event in 2010 ATLAS Z-->ee event animation - First candidate for an event with a Z boson decaying to an electron and an anti-electron. ATLAS Z-->mu mu event animation - Candidate for an event with a Z boson decaying to two muons. CMS March 30, 2010 Event Animation High-energy collisions at 7 TeV e+ collision recorded in the Belle detector in Japan Also, check out resources in general information.
Assess Your STR Knowledge - Review questions and problems Cosmic Rays - General introduction to cosmic rays (from SLAC) On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies - Einstein's original paper on STR in English translation (Go get 'em, tiger!) Special Relativity Equations - "Formula sheet" of some of the more important equations of relativity Also, check out resources in general information.
Fermilab Inquiring Minds - explores a series of questions, such as "What is the world made of?" The Higgs Boson - from the Exploratorium PDG Live - Interactive access to the Particle Data Book
The Official String Theory Web Site - Perhaps the most promising theoretical framework we have for understanding why matter behaves as it does. Find out more here. The Standard Model Chart - An excellent visual summary of the Standard Model What's a Neutrino? - Explanation of neutrinos and a brief history of neutrino physics from Pauli's original hypothesis in 1931 to the present (University of California, Irvine) Also, check out resources in general information.